lunes, 25 de mayo de 2015

We're off to the Musuem!

Since we are studying History, we are going to visit the Museo Arqueológico Regional de Alcalá de Henares.

Here you can take a virtual tour of the musuem.

And here you can watch a video about the museum's collection.

martes, 5 de mayo de 2015

Population and Traditions

This is our current unit in Science.

Here is a world population simulator based on natural growth (births and deaths.)

Traditions: regional clothing (trajes populares) in Spain

Traditional dances

Traditional dishes

Traditional desserts in Alcalá

Traditional buildings

domingo, 22 de marzo de 2015

Year 4-- It's your turn!

Now it's Year 4's turn to learn about the geography of Spain!

First we will learn the Autonomous Communities.

Political Simple Map of Spain

Here are some games to help you practice.

A game

Autonomous Communities puzzle

Name the Autonomous Community

Which is it?

Okay, now you have to learn the capitals!!!  Ready?  Here we go!!!!

Capitals of Autonomous Communities  (Hint: Practice first with the "Mirar" option. Then play the game to see what you know!

Choose from a lot of games on this excellent page!

sábado, 14 de febrero de 2015

What are you going to do?

 Here's a review of how to form sentences with "going to."

What do you like doing?

Watch this presentation for a review of like + -ing.

Try this exercise about like/don't like/love/hate + -ing.

Geography of Spain

Do you know the Spanish Autonomous Communities?  Test yourself!

The map of the Autonomies
El mapa Autonómico

Another map game
¿Which is it?

Enrique Alonso mapas interactivos

What about the physical features?

Watch this about the terrain of Spain.

Spain's inland and coastal relief.
El relieve interior y costero de España.

Fish (Year 3)

Birds (Year 3)

Amphibians (Year 3)

Reptiles (Year 3)

Mammals (Year 3)

Characteristics of mammals

Vertebrate Animals (Year 3)

We are going to study Vertebrate Animals.

Here is a great game about different types of vertebrate animals and their characteristics.

Lo puedes ver también en español.

More about vertebrate animals.

Here's another game to classify animals.

Classify animals game.

Vertebrates body coverings.

Body coverings game.

How vertebrates breathe

Vertebrate reproduction

In Spanish:

jueves, 29 de enero de 2015

A letter has arrived!

Here is the letter (email) from our new friends in Canada:


We are writing to you from Winnipeg, Canada.  We are a class of grade 1 and 2 students at  Rockwood School.  The students in our class are 6, 7 and 8 years old.

 We are learning about countries around the world this year and we would like to email your class to tell you about life in Canada.  We would also like to learn about life in Spain.

 Right now it is winter in Winnipeg.  We have cold winters with lots of snow.  Today it is a very nice winter day.  The temperature is going to be 2 degrees Celsius.  Usually the regular temperatures in the winter can be as cold as minus 30 degrees below 0 Celsius!  That is very cold!  We have to wear warm jackets, snowpants, hats, mittens, scarves and warm boots.  We even have to plug in our car engines when they are parked to keep them warm!  We will send you some photos of kids playing in the snow soon!

What is the weather like right now in your city?

We have attached two photographs showing what our school looks like now in the winter and what it looked like in the fall when we started school in September.  In the fall, the leaves turn beautiful colours and start to fall off the trees.  In the winter, the tree branches are bare without leaves.

 Hope to hear from you soon.

martes, 27 de enero de 2015

A Suprise... (Year 3)

What do you think this building is?  Where is it? What season is it in the pictures?  We will find out more soon!

jueves, 22 de enero de 2015

Peace day

This year we will celebrate Peace Day on January 30th.  All students in Primary must wear a white T-shirt. The songs we will be using are:

"Dulce Margarita" by Miliki

"No Dejes de Soñar" by Manuel Carrasco

"The Winds of Change" by The Scorpions

Los Vientos de Cambio (Spanish version)

miércoles, 21 de enero de 2015

Grease! (Year 3)

For Carnaval this year our school theme is Musicals!  All of the Year 3 classes will go dressed like characters in the film "Grease."

Here is a video clip:

miércoles, 14 de enero de 2015

Art (Year 3)

This is the work of an artist called Roy Lichtenstein.

What colours does he use?  Can you see the tiny dots?

martes, 13 de enero de 2015

miércoles, 7 de enero de 2015