lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

Christmas festival song 3ºB

Here is the Christmas festival song for 3ºB:

Christmas festival song 3ºA

Here is the song for the Christmas festival, for 3ºA:

English Unit 3 Test (Year 3)

It's almost time for your Unit 3 Test!

Remember, you need to know:
-- all the vocabulary from the unit (page 28 and page 33 Student Book, and page 33 Activity Book).
--The prepositions: over, under, across, up, down, through, around
--Question words: When, What, Who, Where, Why
--There is/ there are

domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014

miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

Present tense or past? (Year 4)

You need to choose the right verb tense for a sentence or question.

Use past tense for things that happened in the past:

I watched TV yesterday.

She ate pizza last Saturday.

 Did he ride a bike when he was a boy?

They didn't play football last year.

My grandmother worked in the vegetable garden when she was a child.

Use present tense for things that are always true: 

I live in a house,

It rains in the autumn.

I don't wear a uniform to school.

He plays football on Saturdays.

Does she like pizza?

Now my grandmother doesn't have a vegetable garden.

English Test! Year 4

Your Unit 3 test is on Monday!  Remember to study:

--The vocabulary: pioneer vocabulary and objects in a house
--Verbs in past tense
--Questions with Do/Does/Did.  Do you know when to use each one???
--Question words: Who, What, When, Where, How far
--There was a...  There was some,...  There were some...
--Is there a...  Are there any...   There is....  There are....

 Use the exercises in your Activity Book to help you.

Our Christmas Song

Here is a video with the lyrics of our Christmas song. Please practice at home!

English Games!

This website has games to practice grammar and vocabulary. Check it out!

Games ville

Forming questions

Watch this presentation about making questions.

You have to make a question for each picture.

domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

Mini-quiz on food and nutrients (Year 4)

1.  What nutrients give us energy?
2. What nutrient helps us grow? (It's a body builder!)
3. What nutrients do we need to be healthy? (body regulators!)
4. What do we need for our digestive system to work well?

(scroll down for answers!)


1. Fats and carbohydrates
2. Protein
3. Vitamins and minerals
4. Fibre

There was/ There were (Year 4)

Try this exercise: Questions and sentences with  "there was" and "there were".

There was/ there were

miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014

Food and Nutrients (Year 4)

Here is the food pyramid we studied in class:

Can you plan a healthy menu for tomorrow?

Here are the different nutrients your body needs:

lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

The Continents (Year 3)

We are going to study the continents. Here are some maps for you:






Resources for Unit 1-2 Inside Your Body (Year 4)

Here are some resources about the body systems we are studying in class.

 The Digestive System

In Spanish: El aparato digestivo

The Breathing Process

In Spanish:  El aparato respiratorio

The Human Blood Circulation System

The Circulatory System

In Spanish: El corazón;   La circulación

 The Urinary System

The Human Excretory System  (you only have to learn about the urinary system: kidneys, bladder, etc.) and not about the skin and sweat.

In Spanish:  El sistema urinario

Make sure you know the names all of the organs and parts in the pictures in your book.
You also need to know how to explain the function of each system and the sequence of the process.

We will also be learning about food and nutrients, so stay tuned!

The Senses (Year 3)

Here are some resources for learning about the senses:

Eyes and seeing

The sense of hearing

Smell, taste, and touch

Here you can learn and then test yourself:

Our senses

Self Evaluation

In Spanish:

El ojo

Los ojos y la vista

Órgano de la vista

El sentido del oído

El oído

Los oídos y la audición

Órgano del olfato

Órgano del gusto

Órgano del tacto

Good luck!!!


Welcome to this space where you will find resources to help you with everything we are doing in class!  Look for the labels to help you find what you need.  There are labels for:
3rd year English
4th year English
3rd year Natural Sciences
3rd year Social Sciences
4th year Science
Trinity exams grade 4
Trinity exams grade 5

Have a look around!